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Real Time Interview Frequently Asked Apex Trigger Scenarios | Salesforce Interview Question | Apex Triggers Concepts & Scenarios | Cognizant Interview Question | Tech SkillBirds Enterprise

Updated: Oct 5

Write trigger checks for duplicate contacts based on email and phone numbers during insert and update operations.

1. Trigger Definition

trigger DuplicateCheck on Contact (before insert, before update) {

This is a trigger on the Contact object.

It fires before an insert or an update operation on the Contact records.

2. Map Initialization

Map<String, Contact> emailMap = new Map<String, Contact>();

Map<String, Contact> phoneMap = new Map<String, Contact>();

Two maps are initialized: emailMap and phoneMap.

These maps will store contacts from the trigger with their emails and phone numbers as keys.

3. Loop Through Triggered Contacts

for(Contact contact : {

Loops through each Contact record being inserted or updated ( contains the new versions of the records).

4. Handling Insert Operations

if(trigger.isInsert) {

emailMap.put(contact.Email, contact);

phoneMap.put(contact.Phone, contact);


Checks if the current operation is an insert.

Adds the contact's email and phone to the respective maps (emailMap and phoneMap).

5. Handling Update Operations

if(trigger.isUpdate) {

if(trigger.oldMap.get(contact.Id).Email != contact.Email){



if(trigger.oldMap.get(contact.Id).Phone != contact.Phone){




Checks if the current operation is an update.

If the email or phone number has changed, the new email or phone number is added to the respective map.

trigger.oldMap.get(contact.Id).Email retrieves the old email value.

Compares it to the new email (contact.Email). If different, it adds the new email to emailMap.

Similarly, it handles phone numbers.

6. Error Message Initialization

String errorMessage = '';

Initializes a string variable to store any potential error message.

7. Query for Existing Contacts

List<Contact> existingContactList = [Select Id, Email, Phone FROM Contact Where Email IN:emailMap.keySet() OR Phone IN:phoneMap.keySet()];

Queries the Contact object for any existing records where the email or phone matches those in emailMap or phoneMap.

This helps to identify if there's a duplicate based on email or phone number.

8. Check for Duplicates

if(existingContactList.size() > 0){

for(Contact contactRec : existingContactList){

if(contactRec.Email != null){

if(emailMap.get(contactRec.Email) != null){

errorMessage = 'Email';



if(contactRec.Phone != null){

if(phoneMap.get(contactRec.Phone) != null) {

errorMessage = errorMessage + (errorMessage != '' ? 'and Phone ' : 'Phone ');



if(errorMessage != ''){[0].addError('Your Contact ' + errorMessage + ' already exists in system.');




If any contacts are found that match the queried email or phone, it iterates through these contacts.

It checks:

If the Email of the existing contact matches one in emailMap, it sets errorMessage to 'Email'.

If the Phone of the existing contact matches one in phoneMap, it appends 'and Phone' to errorMessage if errorMessage already has 'Email'. Otherwise, it sets it to 'Phone'.

If errorMessage is not empty, it adds an error to the first contact in

addError prevents the record from being saved and shows the message to the user.

The error message indicates that the contact with this email or phone already exists.

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