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Pass data fields like name, Id from the Account to the Contact component? How can the Contact notify the Account component when an event occurs? LWC Salesforce

ParentComponent and ChildComponent. The parent component needs to pass data to the child, and the child component should notify the parent when an action is performed.

Question: How would you pass data from the parent to the child component? How can the child notify the parent component when an event occurs?

To pass fields like `Name` and `Id` from the Account component (parent) to the Contact component (child), and allow the child to notify the parent when an event occurs, follow these steps:

Parent Component (Account)

The parent component will:

1. Pass the `Name` and `Id` fields as props to the child component.

2. Handle an event dispatched from the child.




<lightning-card title="Account Component">

<p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">

Account Name: {accountName}, Account Id: {accountId}












import { LightningElement } from 'lwc';

export default class AccountComponent extends LightningElement {

accountName = 'Acme Corporation';

accountId = '001XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX';

handleContactEvent(event) {

const { contactName, contactId } = event.detail;

console.log(`Received from Contact: ${contactName}, ${contactId}`);

alert(`Contact updated: Name - ${contactName}, Id - ${contactId}`);





Child Component (Contact)

The child component will:

1. Receive `accountName` and `accountId` as props.

2. Dispatch an event to the parent with data when a button is clicked.




<lightning-card title="Contact Component">

<p class="slds-p-horizontal_small">

Received Account Name: {accountName}, Account Id: {accountId}


<lightning-input type="text" label="Contact Name" value={contactName} onchange={handleNameChange}></lightning-input>

<lightning-input type="text" label="Contact Id" value={contactId} onchange={handleIdChange}></lightning-input>

<lightning-button label="Notify Account" onclick={notifyParent}></lightning-button>





import { LightningElement, api } from 'lwc';

export default class ContactComponent extends LightningElement {

@api accountName; // Received from parent

@api accountId; // Received from parent

contactName = '';

contactId = '';

handleNameChange(event) {

this.contactName =;


handleIdChange(event) {

this.contactId =;


notifyParent() {

const event = new CustomEvent('contactevent', {

detail: {

contactName: this.contactName,

contactId: this.contactId,






How It Works

1. Parent to Child Communication:

- The `AccountComponent` passes `accountName` and `accountId` to `ContactComponent` using `@api`.

2. Child to Parent Communication:

- `ContactComponent` dispatches a `contactevent` with updated contact details.

- `AccountComponent` listens to this event and handles the data.

This approach ensures seamless communication between the `Account` and `Contact` components in Salesforce LWC while adhering to best practices.

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